How to do a Self-Skin Exam

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the US and worldwide.  An estimated 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetimes.  When found early, most skin cancers are very treatable with excellent outcomes. Self-skin exams are a great way to catch new or changing spots early! We recommend performing self-checks every 3 months, or sooner if needed.  Ultimately it should be often enough to become a habit without being a bother.  If you see any moles or growths that are changing, itching, bleeding, or just looking different, we recommend that you go see your dermatologist.  This “how-to” guide is a list of recommendations from the American Academy of Dermatology. You can find out more about their recommendations here:


Examine your body in a full-length mirror

  • Examine your body front and back in the mirror, then look at the right and left sides with your arms raised.


Look at your underarms, forearms, and palms

  • Bend elbows and look carefully at forearms, underarms, and palms.


Look at your legs, between toes, and soles of your feet

  • Look at the backs of your legs and feet, the spaces between your toes, and the soles of your feet.


Use a hand mirror to examine your neck and scalp

  • Examine the back of your neck and scalp with a hand mirror. Part hair for a closer look.


Use a hand mirror to check your back and buttocks

  • Finally, check your back and buttocks with a hand mirror.

If you have any questions about what you read here today, or if you see a new spot that looks concerning to you, please call our office.  We are always happy to see you!

And of course- wear your sunscreen!


Sunscreen: What You Should Know


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